As a co-founder, you’ve put a huge amount of work into creating a your company. In addition to Co-Founder Coaching, I highly recommend the resources below as you level-up your organization.

Each of these resources will help you to develop yourself, your partnership, your leadership skills and your leadership team.

What other resources do you recommend? Send me a note and let me know!


The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni
The team interactions described in this easy-to-read book are universal.

Playing Big by Tara Mohr
This book is written for women and I recommend it to all people.

From 6 to 7 Figures by Austin Netzley
These concepts are applicable to companies of all sizes.

Ready to strengthen the most important relationship in your business? Schedule a totally confidential consultation here.

Founders and Startups Videos
Co-Founder Conversations with Lisa Conners Vogt, ACC, CPC

Laura Early, Co-Founder, WISE Advise + Assist
in conversation with Lisa Conners Vogt, ACC, CPC

Yuni Sameshima, Co-Founder, Chicory
in conversation with Lisa Conners Vogt, ACC, CPC

Yuni Sameshima co-founded Chicory with Joey Petracca while they were both students at Colgate University. Yuni and Joey met their freshman year and now, 10 y...

Beth Bewley, Co-Founder and CEO, Eufora
in conversation with Lisa Conners Vogt, ACC, CPC

Audio Recordings

Expectation vs Agreement by Steve Chandler

Learn more about Co-Founder Coaching with Lisa here.

Set up your initial confidential and totally free consultation here.

Clients recently said…

“Having worked with three other coaches, my experience with Lisa has been the most productive. I attribute this to her adaptability and desire to help clients find and apply their purpose.”

“I would recommend Lisa to anyone who wants a revelation of what’s possible.”

“Lisa is able to see each person’s life as a beautiful mosaic. She takes all the parts that might seem unrelated and uses them to help her clients see themselves as a work of art.”

“Lisa has such a powerful manner of connecting and making you feel supported. She has a tremendous work ethic and goes beyond what’s expected. My time working with Lisa has made an enormous impact on who I am as a professional and contributes to all my success.

“I wish I had started working with you sooner.”

Ready to strengthen the most important relationship in your business?

Set up your initial confidential and totally free consultation by here.
Let’s make this happen!