Ever Better Today:
Season 2 Episode 15

 Anything I'm Not Changing, I'm Choosing

Welcome to Ever Better Today: the daily podcast for creating your optimal business, career, or overall life in ten minutes or less. I’m Lisa Conners Vogt, Executive and Leadership Coach and founder of Ever Better Coaching and Consulting. Let’s jump in!

Notes from this episode are below.

Is there something in your life that you'd like to change but you haven’t made the effort to do so? In other words, “what are you putting up with?!”

Inspired by Michael Neill’s “Creating the Impossible”, let’s get into this activity.

1. Think about what you would like to create in your life that seems impossible.

2. Write it down.

3. Think about the smallest steps you could take towards creating that impossible project.

4. Then do one more step, and things might start to come together for you. At a minimum, you’ll be proactively shifting your circumstances.

If you don't take any steps, you’ll never create what seems to be impossible. And remember, you have the power to change anything.


Creating the Impossible: A 90-day Program to Get Your Dreams out of Your Head and into the World


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