Ever Better Today:
Season 2 Episode 12

 Commitments and Pickleball

Welcome to Ever Better Today: the daily podcast for creating your optimal business, career, or overall life in ten minutes or less. I’m Lisa Conners Vogt, Executive and Leadership Coach and founder of Ever Better Coaching and Consulting. Let’s jump in!

Notes from this episode are below.

When we are truly committed to something, we show up and are fully present because we choose
to be in that place at that moment.

Imagine yourself being excited the day before your first pickleball lesson. You set an alarm, dress in layers for the cold weather, and drive all the way to the venue - super excited to be there! You meet two others who also registered for lessons. You talk with them. And wait. And wait. And wait…

How does commitment factor into this?

This actually happened to me recently. The pickleball instructor never showed up. The facility took no responsibility.

If you know me, you’ll be expecting a silver lining. And here it is… I had a great time chatting with two new friends! But still…

I made a commitment, not to others, but to myself to learn something new. But the coach and the facility where lessons were to be held hadn’t made the same level of commitment to themselves and their community.

I wondered…if the coach had booked a flight to Paris, would he have shown up? You betcha!

How you show up to fulfill your commitments speaks volumes about your character.

Do you tend to be late for meetings, to social engagements, to family gatherings? If so, ask yourself two questions:

1. What are you committed to?

2.  How can you ensure that you keep your commitments moving forward?


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