Ever Better Today:
Season 2 Episode 02

 Setting Your Lifelong Priorities

Welcome to Ever Better Today: the daily podcast for creating your optimal business, career, or overall life in ten minutes or less. I’m Lisa Conners Vogt, Executive and Leadership Coach and founder of Ever Better Coaching and Consulting. Let’s jump in!

Notes from this episode are below.

You create your legacy when you make decisions throughout the day about how to prioritize your time and focus your energy. What are your priorities?

Right now, my top five priorities are:

To identify them, ask yourself:

  • Physical and mental health

  • Family relationships

  • Developing my business

  • Friendships

  • Reimagining my home

  • In the past year, what decisions would I go back and change?

  • Considering the cumulative effect of every decision in my life, what would I go back and change?

  • Ten years from now, what might I regret not spending more time doing?

When I work out, it elevates my mental health. I can really feel the difference mentally.

I also spend a good amount of time listening to positive podcasts or guided meditations. When I get home, I often play uplifting music in the background.

My coach is a huge resource for me as well, and I will work with a therapist when needed.

Physical and Mental Health


I will make decisions based on whether they allow me to spend time with my son, Conner. I also regularly plan trips to visit and help out my parents. 

My three brothers are also very important to me, and again, I’ll make decisions based on whether they allow me to consistently spend time with my brothers and their families. 

Family Relationships


Developing my Executive and Leadership Coaching business is a significant priority in my life.

I often consider how I can work my top three priorities into each day. For example:

Recently I went to visit my parents and knew I had a firm meeting with a client in the morning. To ensure I’d have both quality time with my parents and a quiet environment to speak to the client, I arranged a workspace where I could set up a Zoom call. 

I finished my work with plenty of time for a walk, and spent the rest of the day with my parents. I was able to hit all three of my top priorities in one morning!

Developing my Business


Over the last ten years, my friends have helped me navigate significant challenges and I’ve come to value my friendships now more than ever!

I’ve learned that I can really rely on my friends. They are willing to both celebrate my wins and support me when things aren't great. Whatever I need, they are here for me. 



Two years ago, this wouldn't have appeared on my priority list. Things might shift as your life evolves, and that’s okay! 

I am now a true empty nester. My son has launched into his career and I am no longer married. I am free to reimagine my home completely for myself. 

I'm painting furniture, learning how to decoupage, and doing all sorts of experimental things around the house. This is all a very long-term project, but I'm taking it piece by piece. 

Ultimately, my goal is to do a home swap. There are websites where you can find someone to temporarily exchange houses with. Perhaps I would go live in Palo Alto or Paris for a few weeks while someone lives in my house!

That's it for today; now go set your lifelong priorities!

Reimagining my Home


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