How do you help your employees to thrive?

Does this sound familiar?

  • You know that many of your colleagues struggle with work/life balance, career challenges, financial planning, their health and relationships.

  • You’d like to offer support but you’re limited by the resources you can provide.

  • You know that coaching would help, but it’s not feasible to engage a coach for each person.

Now there’s a solution…Speed Coaching!

Speed coaching provides each participant with the benefit of an intensive, one-on-one coaching session to address a challenge that is impacting their work. Outcomes from each session will include one or more of the following:

  • Clarity around a challenge

  • Awareness of obstacles

  • Shift in mindset

  • Commitment to taking one action

Addressing productivity challenges

Employee productivity can be impaired by challenges at work, home or in social situations. Regardless of the origin, these concerns can impede progress or even cause it to grind to a halt. Speed Coaching can help to address the following challenges:

Address Each Employee’s Unique Challenge

Address Each Employee’s Unique Challenge

  • Team dynamics

  • Career path

  • Work-life balance

  • Health and fitness

  • Challenging conversations

  • Relationships

  • Financial

How does Speed Coaching work?

During a 25-minute, one-on-one session, the coach steps through a process to identify the participant’s goal, options for making progress, and potential obstacles and actions. Through this process, the participant views their situation from a different perspective so that they can move forward with greater confidence and clarity.

The coach does not offer unsolicited advice or consulting. Rather, through powerful questioning and a complete focus on the client, the coach guides the discussion so that the client achieves a breakthrough or creates an action plan. In the days and weeks following the session, clients frequently revisit these discussions and achieve greater clarity.

To share information about Ever Better Speed Coaching with your team, download this flyer.

Speed Coaching FAQs

Where is Speed Coaching appropriate?

This activity can be offered to employees or participants of company wellness fairs, conferences, seminars, expos or other group events.

Why sponsor a speed coaching event?

Participants will benefit from giving voice to a challenge in a supportive environment. They will be coached to consider next steps and commit to short-term actions that can lead to longer-term, enduring change. As participants address issues that have been holding them back, they’ll be freed up to focus on more challenging professional projects and situations.

What are the logistics?

Time: Each session is typically 25 minutes but can range from 20 to 45 minutes depending on the schedule agreed upon in advance. We recommend offering a full-day of appointment options and allowing clients to confidentially reserve a spot in advance. Ever Better can provide a scheduling system and confirm appointments upon request.

Space: In 2020, speed coaching happens over Zoom. When we get back to in-person meetings, one or more private areas are required where clients and coaches can speak candidly and confidentially.

How do clients feel after one speed coaching session?

Following one speed coaching session, clients reported feeling:

  • Relief about making a decision involving several options

  • Excited about creating a plan to complete a long-simmering project

  • Confident to initiate a challenging conversation

  • Relieved to identify something that had been holding them back

  • Heard and valued

To learn more about hosting an Ever Better Speed Coaching session:


“This session helped me set up my team for success and make better hires.”

“I’ve been unclear on my goals and this coaching session has helped me to articulate them.”

“I feel excited and inspired about having a new perspective from someone who is genuinely interested in my growth.”

“After our coaching session, I was prepared and confident for my meeting. You really helped me shift my mindset. Thank you!”